Saturday, August 18, 2012

on glasses

Ok, I am tired of buying reading glasses, only to discover upon getting home that they look awful.  My eye doctor's wife, Laura, who is around 32 and works in the front office, tries hard to find me just the right pair - something that looks as darling on me as her glasses look on her.  I never listen to her as she pickes out frames for what I see as for "moms" and "older women."  I select something that is similar to what Laura is wearing that day as I'm just positive I'll look stunning in them, just like she does.

I identify with Laura every time I go in there.  We are two of a kind.  Young and hip.  We laugh a lot.  She also runs a lot and is thin as a reed.  Her hair is longer than mine and falls across her shoulders like mine did just a few years ago. 

The last time I bought a pair of glasses from Laura, I just loved them in the store.  The lighting was just right and I know they made me look ten years younger, just like Laura. 

When I got home, that darn woman was there again - the one that looks like me, but is older.  I was checking myself out in the hallway mirror, and there she was!  Bold as day, showing me that the glasses were too young for someone my age. 

Who is that woman?

1 comment:

  1. Kay, this is a really clever approach and great writing! I look forward to reading more.
