This blog is truly about hanging out with friends who are still extremely fit...after I've gained about 10 more pounds than I care to admit. This brings us to Karen, whom I've known for about 20 years now...could I really have been only 22 when I met her? Wow, where do the years go?
So the story is, I joined a health club for the summer. I figured my kids would love going there with their friends as the club has a beautiful pool. I imagined them working out with me, then they'd head out to the pool to cool down. My youngest joined me twice and was bored to tears, and my oldest didn't come once. And this month, I've been once - tonight! I can blame travel and long hours at work, but it's really that I've lost the habit of working out regularly.
So there I am, 30 minutes on the bike and I'm ready to head to the saunas. As I head to the changing room (where the saunas are hidden), I run into Karen. Yes, drop-dead gorgeous, Karen. She's about as wonderful as you can get with a friend. Spiritual, really aware, very honest, never boastful, even when she could be. We start to catch up and I learn that she's broken up with her long term boyfriend. Again, she's really honest about how that all went down, and I learn that she is out there dating already. How do some women do that? I would wallow in self-pity for months - but not Karen. So I mention to Karen, Hey! We should go out dancing together some night. She kind of hesitated...I'm still not sure why - I mean I was outfitted in cool cycling pants and a comfortable workout shirt - just like her. Then she launced into bars are not where you want to be right now. OK, so it's been a while since I went out. We separated, promising to share information on MeetUps. I missed enjoying the sauna because we talked so long. It was really great seeing Karen again, even though now my stomach hurts from holding it in for so long.
I got home, started a hot bath (almost suana effects from the steam), and looked in the full-length mirror. There she is! That woman again! I don't know how she does it, but she's there every time I start to think about dating...I felt confident and attractive when talking with Karen, only to come home to see that woman in my mirror again...oh my God! How could she ever leave the house in those tight cycling pants and dirty white work out shirt? Then it slowly came over me...I also wore my cycling pants and dirty white shirt to the club. I thought how weird that we'd both wear the same outfit. However, I'm 42 and she's well...let's just say older.
"Dancing, anyone?" she asks, with a quiet laugh.
Who is that woman?
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