I'm the youngest of five and when I was still living at home, I hated being the youngest. I always had to wait before I could do what my older sisters were doing. Today, I feel my youngest daughter's pain as she has to wait until she turns 16 for her first iPhone and her driver's license, as I was always last, too.
Now that my sisters and I are, let's say, a wee bit older, the tables have turned. I like being the youngest and still having kids at home. They keep me young (and cause grey hair at the same time...).
It is weird, very weird, to see my sisters age, as I'm still only 42. We all color our hair now, and watch our weight more carefully. However, I see wrinkles on my sisters, where I don't have very many yet...and I see their energy lessening when we all get together. They go to bed earlier now, and when we get together to dance, they sit more than they used to.
I, on the otherhand, stay on the dance floor until the lights go out and can spend all day long working on my house without getting tired. I like being the youngest sister now!
Why just the other day, I was thinking about cleaning out my closet, as I love tidy closets. My mind saw a beautiful closet, with all the junk removed and taken to Sister Carmen's, a local charity. I knew I could jump in there and transform my closet in no time at all. Lots of energy, that's me!
All of a sudden, that woman joined me. Yes, that one. The one that looks like me, but is older - much older. She looked at my closet and convinced me to put it off for another day as she got tired just looking at the mess.
"It can wait," she whispered to me as she laid down on my bed for a nap.
Who is that woman?
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